OC LiveScan provides computerized fingerprinting services. We only use the latest equipment to provide you a guaranteed fast and most reliable service for your Live Scan fingerprint submissions. [find us now]


What is Live Scan Fingerprinting?

Live Scan is an inkless electronic fingerprinting. Applicant fingerprints are electronically transmitted to the Department of Justice for completion of a criminal record check. The Live Scan technology replaces the process of recording fingerprint patterns through a rolling process using ink. Ink fingerprinting is still required in many states.

Who needs Live Scan?

Real Estate Licensees, Notaries, DMV License Professionals, Nurses, Caregivers, Doctors, Surgeons, Contractors, Security Guards, etc.

What are the benefits of Live Scan?

The Live Scan process helps in avoiding many of the problems associated with ink prints, such as smudging, smearing, and over or under inking. A major benefit of Live Scan is that your fingerprints are transmitted directly to the Department of Justice.

How Does the Process Work?

A Trained and Certified Technician will scan your fingerprints using a Live Scan machine. The electronic fingerprinting session takes five to ten minutes and your prints are immediately sent via electronic transmission to the appropriate FBI-Certified channeling agencies for background processing.

How long does the fingerprinting process take?

The Live Scan fingerprinting process can take from 10 minutes up to 30 minutes depending on the clear fingers impression of the fingerprinted applicant. However, the criminal background record search can take from three (3) to (5) working days depending on the agency requesting your fingerprints background search and possibly up to 12 weeks.
Please note, once we inform you that your fingerprints was transmitted successfully, please direct all of your future inquiries to the agency or employer who requested your background check.

How much does it cost?

The fee for Live Scan finger printing depends on the level of service. In addition to the DOJ and rolling fee, your requesting agency might ask for the FBI background check or other type of service and search. Your total fee depends on the level of service, and it will be disclosed to you before your fingerprints are scanned and transmitted.

Who pays for the fee?

If your employer has an account with us and the applicant has an authorization to bill the employer’s account, then your employer will cover the fee. Otherwise, the fingerprinted applicant will shoulder the fee.

Where can I get a request for Live Scan form?

The requesting agency (agency that is requesting the background check) will provide you with the Live Scan form.

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Serving all Orange County, we are located in Lake Forest California.

Click here for maps and directions.

Mobile Service

Are you on a busy schedule and need to be fingerprinted at the convenience of your place and time?

click here for more information about our mobile services.